Payroll Administration and Management

We operate a modern, computer based payoll bureau and can run both monthly and weekly payrolls for our clients, to suit their particular needs. Once the payroll for your business is set up on our system, you simply supply us with the details of any amendments to be made each pay period, and we will run the payroll producing wage slips in email format to be forwarded to you, or direct to your employees if you prefer. You will receive a monthly notification of PAYE deductions to be paid to HMRC along with the details of how to make the payment. During the tax year the records are updated for any leavers or new employees joining your business. Also, records of all employees’ pay, tax, national insurance, tax credits, student loans, maternity pay, sickness benefits , etc. are all properly maintained for you as required by law. At the end of the tax year, we will complete and file online for you the annual return to HMRC and we will supply you with the required P60 forms for all employees, in plenty of time to meet your deadline for issuing them. There is no minimum size for a payroll to be handled.

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